Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Group Reviews! (The ones I'm in)

Hey! Well I'm going to tell you about my review about the 10 groups I'm in! You should join them too.

-♥Hσpε and Lσvε Fashiσns♥. That's my fashion group! It only has 10 models but if you join and tell your friends we could have out 1st fashion show on Friday! This group has 12 members. Join here: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=851552

-♥Beautique♥ This group is owned by flipflop937/BeautiquefulFlip BEAUTIQUE IS AMAZING. They are so active and friendly, we have our dramatic moments but they forgive each other (except for the haters) in a snap. They are the 5th biggest fashion group in ROBLOX! How cool is that?  Their hosts are so funny and nice and they keep us entertained with their wacky themes sometimes. They have 2130 members :o! Join ♥ Beautique ♥ here: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=758417

-All-Star Cheer Academy This group is owned by hey223. Well, we didn't really do anything yet, because practice is a bust sometimes because some people can't make it. This group has 13 members, Join here: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=882611

-Breakaway Dance <3 This group is owned by Dollison. O-M-G This dance studio is so nice we have a lot of dramatic moments but we get over them, the dances are so well put together by Dollison c:, The dancers are nice, and we go to competitions regularly. This group has 15 members. Join here:   http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=873357

-Elite Model Management ♪ This group is owned by Heckalazy. This group is medium active since most people are out or no shows are currently hosted.
The runway was very well put together, while the style of it is different from all the rest, which I like about that! Here is what the stage looks like: 
Cool amirite? So the way is works is the 1st person goes left then next person right and so on, you go to the sides 1st I believe and then walk out in the middle. Then the 'judges' judge your clothes and say whether you needed to change something or get a new hat or whatever. There is elimination sometimes. Join Elite Model Management ♪ here: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=797636

-KAR Dance Competition. This group is owned by RainbowJelliez2270.
I only joined her group for Breakaway Dance <3 because we are competing there. You can join, if you want to. Join here: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=857999

-Lulu's Lively Inc. This group has 63 members. It is a fashion group, owned by lulucraze367. This group is a bit less then medium active since they don't have many shows. It is a nice group to join, they have some dramatic moments as been said, they get over them, the hosts are nice and there is elimination sometimes, there runway is very different, it's too hard to even explain what to do. Well you can join Lulu's Lively Inc. here: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=841911
-Mocha's Fashion Agency. This group has 353 members. Another fashion group of mine, owned by momomarshmallow! This group is very nice and it is a challenge sometimes. They have EMC. AKA  Elite Model Competition, I believe. 
The EMC is very hard. You take decal shots and stuff and need to really try your hardest to get the best angle and the best quotes (if said) and the best outfit, 1 person gets eliminated each time they have elimination. Well the regular fashion shows are nice, the hosts are nice and fun and they have a good heart when it comes to elimination! Join Mocha's Fashion Agency here: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=615792

-YES! Magazine. This group has 1258 members. iMargarette owns the group. So what can I say about this group... Hmmm. Oh I got it! IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!! There are a lot of chances to be a HR. Aka High Rank. They are the 7th biggest fashion group in ROBLOX and 2nd biggest magazine group in ROBLOX! I personally think they should be number one! Take a look at some of the covers!! (At the end of the post)
Yes! Is one of my favorites, they have lovely hosts and they are sooooo nice and they have so much chances to get to your dreams! YES! Magazine is a must-join! Join here now!!!: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=658923

-Ryugi Academy. This is also owned by iMargarette, with 55 members in only 2 and a half days! It didn't start yet, the university is being built and uniforms and being made, this group will be a big success! In my mind ^-^

Hope you enjoyed! Here are Yes!'s covers btw



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